
The Next-Gen of VR Sword-Fighting

Battle Talent is a challenging physics-based roguelite sword-fighting game, you can create your own fighting style and experience unparalleled gameplay in a mega seamless procedural dungeon. With over 80 enemy variants, 100 weapons, and 60 perks, the possibilities are endless. Join forces with your friends to take down enemies! Experience rich multiplayer interactions and create powerful combos! Engage in realistic combat in Mixed Reality Mode (supports multiplayer) Experience thrilling physical combat with spell, melee, and ranged attacks. Beware, target the boss! Customize your talent points in Roguelike levels and unlock unexpected treasure. Explore Sandbox Mode to experiment with 2000+ mods and Scene Editor feature.


  • 5 game modes: Adventure, Challenge, Sandbox, Mixed Reality mode (Quest 3), Multiplayer Mode
  • Supports multiplayer mode for 2-4 players and includes a built-in voice chat
  • Built-in scripted mod menu with 2000+ mods, enhance your gaming experience
  • Thrill of hack-and-slash with realistic physics interactions.
  • Variety of enemies and bosses, over 80 enemy variants with different moveset
  • Plenty of weapons and perks, over 100 weapons and over 60 perks
  • Seamless huge dungeons with multiple landscapes that regenerate each time


开发者对内容描述如下: There is bleeding from broken limbs in the game, but it’s optional, you could turn it off.


    • 操作系统: windows7
    • 处理器: i5-7260U 2.2GHz
    • 内存: 4000 MB RAM
    • 显卡: GTX1060
    • 存储空间: 需要 6000 MB 可用空间
    • 支持 VR: SteamVR

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